Monday, May 12, 2014

SGN-35 and California!

So this is a tiny post about the chemo I'm on, 'cause this would be the perfect time. haha!!
Lost my hair, after about the 3rd treatment with the new-fangled drug that's supposed to be more accurate at distinguishing the cancer cells from normal healthy cells. The drug that's supposed to be so great! Yeah, well it's still chemo and i wasn't prepared.  I thought, Oh! I don't need to worry, it's new and I won't have any side effects!! Yeah, WRONG.  You will have:
-Neuropathy (fingertips and toes go numb)
-Pee poop (yeah, it's a d word that sounds dirty)
-irregular blood sugar, low white cell, low red cell counts
-lowered man-power

Now, before you get your undies in a bunch, check this out, it DOES have positive effects!  I've got much more energy, more facial hair, less muscle atrophy (which should be higher with the rate at which I've worked out in the past 5 months), less chemo brain effects, and the ability to eat more!

Seriously, there's like a dozen better things that rock about this drug, I'm on my 9th round as it's administered every 3 weeks, and it's starting to accumulate. The nausea is getting a bit stronger, the weakness and sickness 2 days aftter is getting slightly worse.  However, quality of life is so much better than the other stuff i've been on!  Trust me, with a cancer that wanted to go for another round, we know that it's more than likely more resistant to chemo, yet this is reduced the obvious signs of Lymphoma by a considerable amount. If you're reading this and SGN-35 is an option, before you jump the gun, do your research. Find out what helps recover and lessen the side effects. whatever you do....DO SOMETHING!! if you don't and you don't drink enough water, or you don't eat because "i'm not hungry", you will regret it. Kinda like how the Minnesota Viking will regret letting Jared Allen go to our boys ;).  OOOOOO!! one more bit of preemptive striking you should do, Imodium. Stock up. It will really help, trust me. Then you won't lose all of the water you forced.  Try working your way up to around a gallon /day, I've found this to be a really effective energy booster.  Everyone is different. On days that I train, I push it to about 1.5 gal.  Do what you feel is right.

When you have the big C word, you will be afraid. You will cry like a little bitch, you will have moments where you can't breathe and everything seems lost.  You will get into it with people over nothing thanks to Chemo making you hypoglycemic, Chemo brain will come in and you will say and do things you wouldn't normally do. Sometimes the world is crushing you and you are down on one knee, feeling like Atlas but like a scrawny Milhouse version. When you get that low, lean on your friends and family.  If you believe in religion, go to it and do your thing. Slowly you will start to rise. Like a phoenix, from the ashes if you will. Continue to rise up, use that momentum and find something to expend your energy into. I don't suggest a night of partying and boozin to lift you up haha, but do get out of the house if you can.  If you can't get a hobby.  Shit, message me I'll give ya a call. But whatever happens, you cannot and will not quit. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and remind yourself of where you'll be in 5 years.  I swear to god if you just got all mopey and thougth "in the ground", I'll Rock Thunder Punch you right in the throat.  Set goals to accomplish, and smoke them hard. Start with small things like "I'm going to wake up at 0700 and walk a mile", and up the ante gradually. You need to challenge yourself because most other people won't.  They are afraid of us supermen/women.  We get injected with toxins designed to kill. We wake up beaten and bruised but still kicking. Then we wake up early and stay fit, or eat healthy or hit the heavy bag for 20 min. People are like "woah, dudes tough". But we grin, and carry on.  Be that Milhouse, rise to a knee, and when you got the world on one shoulder, shoot your unoccupied arm out and give Death the finger, wink  and blow the so called "angel" a kiss as you rise to both feet. You want pictures to see? Sure, drive on troopers, one battle at a time.

Just starting Juicy up with pops!  

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