Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 2 - Springfield, MO - OKC

Woke up relatively rested from a decent 8 hours of sleep! For whatever reason I tend to wake up at freaking 6 am every damn day! Well, got up and the P's made it around quicker than I thought, so we started packing and getting things together.  We kind of worked as a team and double checked eachother to make sure we had all of our stuff.  The absolute last thing you want is to be caught 150 miles out and you left ur wallet at the hotel!  We got our stuff down to the bikes, and while Mom checked out I saw the filth that covered my bike. Oh yea, we got to park them under the awning, most hotels will allow this, especially if it's raining! Before I put much away, I started wiping off the dirt and grime and giving it a little polish with Maguire's.  People leaving the hotel were very nice, and just about everyone said hello and asked about the trip.  I was happy to talk to them!  Everyone south of Chicago seems to be extremely kind and generous.  Like on a whole different level.  It really is that "southern hospitality"  sense down here.

Anyhow, there was a few clouds in the sky, but more sun than anything else.  We were fortunate enough to be able to pack away the rain suits and most of the bulky gear.  I shed the boot covers and heavy winter gloves as well, and opted to wear my Cochren's and jeans.  It was so beautiful.  We hit up the expressway and enjoyed it as long as possible.  Then our friend Mr. MF Rain came a callin.  Dad figured it out, and just kinda went wide open and we were flying!  It was pretty awesome.  We cruised at around 90+ for a good 20 min, the rain finally hit us which forced us to slow to a brisk waltz at 65. It quickly cleared and we zoomed into the next sprinkle.  It went on like this for a few more segments until we broke through about 25 mi out of OKC.  I finally noticed my fuel light was on.  Oops. Did I mention I have a finneky fuel sending unit?  Yeah, I really never know how much gas I have until the light comes on.  Oh, and we just passed the last fuel stop.  Well, 25 miles wouldn't be too bad, if I could remember how many miles we had gone, or if I could figure out when that light actually came on.  Boy, this sucked.  We made it to the gas station, after a series of crazy turns and bumps in the turn that sent my ass out of the seat more than a few times.  We loaded up on fuel and rode to our posh hotel....where we got upgraded for $10. I'm really gonna miss my parents and their sweet rewards!  Well, tomorrow we split, they go back towards Chicago and I figure out how to make it to a potential free and cozy bed at a friends in NM.  Hopefully the next blog has a boat load of pics, vids and more, all the good stuff that I promised haha.  Riding with mom and dad has been a blast, seeing them so in love makes me cringe cause it's gross but to be honest, when I'm that age I hope I love whatever woman I marry as much as my Dad clearly loves my mom!  It could be that he can't function without her and just straight up needs her to survive, but I don't know haha.  Anyhow, I can't wait for all of the adventure ahead of me, but cannot forget the past 2 days as they have been some of the best of my life.

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