Wednesday, May 7, 2014

California Dreaming: Beginning

So.....the whole thing i've been keeping track of in a word processor. I actually got rid of windows and installed ubuntu instead.  It's a linux based system that i've recently fallen in love with. I use the computer for a few menial tasks such as (obviously)  writing, listening to tunes via google music and of course the interwebs.  I don't use this for any kind of heavy computer processing requirements like gaming or editing, that's all done on my monster rig affectionately named lil boy blue thanks to all of the LED's involved.  

You'll see a few pics and some words below. This is all from when i was about a year away from having beaten cancer the first time.  Since I got it again, it really hasn't hit me.  I don't know if i just don't care, denial, whatever. I am, however, being much more proactive with the bucket list of things i wanted to knock out.  The biggest one of which is to cruise to Cali on a sweet hog and just breathe in the same pacific air the sailors did back in the golden age of the US. i know there are many schools of thought about the "Golden Age of America" but from a social standpoint, our country was and never has been so united. I put a lot on being able to work together, putting aside differences and the like.  I dunno, rambling here, ok trackin.

One quick flashback and i'll call it a night (have been trying to figure this out for like a week now).  Danny had just let me drop my bags in Goleta and asked if i wanted to see where he worked, before i could respond he said "I want you to meet someone, his name is Bob, and he thinks you are a legend. You might have to autograph things....on him. Just get in the van, we're going to UCSB." and go we did. I remember years earlier when that van was brand new with a license plate proclaiming the proud parent of Matt Dan. Now days, it could represent the homosexual union of 2 guys, oh how times have changed!  ANYWAY, we were cruising by the coast and i remember looking out in awe. People live here. People live in paradise. People from Minnesota dream of dying in a Polar Vortex and this is the kind of place they end up in. Literally paradise. Sun was always out, babes in bikinis, cool beach guys surfing/just looking cool and then like a cliche out of a bad sitcom/adam sandler movie the Red Hot Chili Peppers come on over the radio. The moment was so sureal that it will forever be engraved in my thick skull.  if you've been to cali and had a similar experience, you know exactly what i'm talking about. But that's what i'm going for again, to hear the beachboys come on and be cruising down the PCH and for once not having a care about tomorrow. Knowing that somewhere someone else is doing the same or simply California Dreaming, well it's what we do it for right? Not sure if i'm going to do a daily thing with pics, or every few days, or what......Let me know if you have a suggestion!  Oh and my link to track me is HERE and the password if you can't log in is calidreaming. This is going to be such an adventure, I'm excited to share it with everyone!!

buddys little girl loved it, so i just kept walkin

Right before Motley Crue + Poison concert

Star Trek inspiration  

167 lbs and perma tan from radiation
In 2 days I'll have survived a full year being cancer free.  It was one of the best journeys of my life.  Sort of like being challenged from all sides at the same time, but learning how to manage those challenges has helped me in every aspect of my life.  I had a lot of help and support from friends and family like most people and that was all I needed, but there are so many people out there who don't have a friend to talk to while going through this stuff.  I was fortunate enough to be able to rely on the gym to maintain a healthy life while going through chemo.  I never thought for a second that it would be so and friends are the greatest! so is ice cream, video games, and high fives!! hahahah ugh, i should finish this but i'm itching for a run, gotta get that red cell count up, go big or go home, 5 miles lets go!

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