Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cali Wind down

Wow. It's been a grand total of 10 days since I left Chicago and I've seen and went through so much.  I've been through 60 mph wind gusts, sand 'storms', freezing rain, sleet, and the euphoric accomplishment of digging my toes in the west coast sands of Newport Beach.  Going up to Ventura with 0 energy and running on nothing but fiery determination and a little bit of that chip on my shoulder gnawing into me. Waking up and getting ready to go hit the road again from Ventura was a mixed bag of crazy, from jumping out of the bed getting light headed and questioning myself to being too stoked for my own good and nearly sideswiping a Semi while lane splitting a few minutes later.  Getting up to Fremont, and watching the little blue line getting shorter and shorter signaling the imminent arrival at my destination, now that was perhaps the most exciting things I've gone through on this trip.  
Danny and I in left field During the Cubs Giants memorial Day game

You can drive your boat right up to the ballpark!

watching life happen!

So surreal when you're there!

Ambiguously Gay Duo

SF people are just always so happy!

nom nom nom after game snacking

Seeing Danny, well I've known him for all my life as we were born a month apart in homes 3 doors from each other.  If you ask him, he may tell you we're brothers.  He's got a blood brother that lives in Denver with his smokin hot wife and beautiful baby girl. And of course, he's like my brother as well.  Having a weird extended family is really amazing.  There's this thing about love, I think in America that's got such a shitty stigma attached to it.  I mean, I love a lot of people in my life, guys and girls.  I express it, but not as emotionally as some people I know. I'm guilty of being uncomfortable with the L word, just like some people I know.  My dad has this great big heart and is so sweet to everyone, he has no qualms about hugging or touchy feely gestures to help get across his genuine feeling of love for people in his life.  It makes me cringe sometimes and giggle, almost uncontrollably laugh hysterically as he always comes in for these hugs whenever we depart. Haha, i'm smiling and chuckling now just thinking about it! Ugh, dad. haha. Most of the time, I expect a hand shake which if you present to him he'll just use it to pull you off your feet into him for an embrace.  It's one of those things that I never see anywhere.  Well, not often at least.  

I have a female friend from Poland, and when her mother comes to visit they hold hands when they walk down the street. Oh, didn't mention they do that in Boystown in Chicago did I?  But people sometimes catcall or look at them oddly.  Now, I know they're mother daughter, but some might think they're a lesbian couple, before the thought of mother-daughter comes to mind.  I think it's a little crazy.  And some people, most people are afraid of being labeled as homosexual and so refuse to show love in public even for family.  We're about to start on religion and politics here, some real dangerous shit. So I'll simply close this part by saying, I am 100% for equal rights, and hope one day people can show love for each other, no matter what kind of love it is, right out in the open without fear.  One day we'll slay the ignorance, but for now, SHOTS! 

Today will be a day of planning, and getting my emotions locked down.  I miss my family, my beautiful and amazing gf, my kid sister, and Chicago.  But Danny's my family too and leaving here is going to be one of the toughest things I'll have to do as of late.  Little things he's done for me, and big things, and at the end of the day we can be reduced to 2 teenage kids gigling about immature jokes, and childrens art.  There is always that core of friends that you will do anything for, go broke for, and take a bullet for, and he's one of a handful.  I fear the day I get married, seeing as I'll end up choosing him for my best man......he just knows too much about me.  hahaha, well, I'll ride out this emo-rollercoaster for the next few days and basically try to show him I appreciate him before our contact is back to Gchat and phonecalls.  

I'm working on a northern route, as long as the weather holds, and head up through Wyoming and South Dakota to try and take in the views up north.  The south is amazing, but I'm over the desert.  South Dakota might repeat a little, but the ability to see the beauty of the northern states will be absolutely amazing. 

I'm thinking of writing a book and have enlisted some peeps for assistance, because I'm sure if you read this blog you can tell......I'm refined.  Seriously, I need a filter.  If you want to be included, or have a cool story about us, let me know at my email, stories have already started coming in without me asking, but if you want feel free.  Or even if you have a cool story about something in your life that helped you power through something or whatever, let me know. I love just hearing about others overcoming great odds to victory!

Sign up on the right and don't forget to Check out my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GuardianofHope or follow me on Twitter @GuardianOfHopes !!  I'm reworking the Twitter since it was my old profile and need to get that a little cleaned up as I have feed from too many people coming in haha! Ok, until next time ladies and gents!  

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